What does 068 external decline means?

 Generally, Error code 068  means that the 4 times limit of ATM Card has been exhausted.

What does 068 external decline means?

What does 068 external decline means?

Table of Content (toc)

 068 External Decline Code

The external decline code 068 at an ATM usually means that the transaction has been declined by the cardholder's bank for security reasons. This decline code is a general error message and can indicate several issues related to the card, account, or transaction. 

068 External Code Possible Reason

Some possible reasons for the external decline code 068 at an ATM include:

  • Insufficient funds in the cardholder's account
  • Incorrect PIN entered by the cardholder
  • Cardholder's account has been frozen or suspended
  • Cardholder's bank suspects fraudulent activity or unauthorized use of the card
  • Technical issue with the card or ATM machine

What to do?

If you receive an external decline code 068 at an ATM, you should contact your bank immediately to inquire about the reason for the decline and to ensure that there are no issues with your account or card. It's important to keep your card and PIN safe and to only use ATMs that are secure and reputable to avoid any potential issues with transactions.


068 external decline

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068 external decline in atm meaning

what is 068 external decline

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